Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: Catching up, Part 1

Since I got a new laptop last Christmas that's incompatible with our camera, I haven't been able to upload photos! I finally got them uploaded to an older computer, then transferred them to my laptop.

We had a busy 2010! Here are a few of the highlights:

1. We took a family trip to Canada for the Vancouver BC temple open house in April 2010:

2. Rob went to a conference in Las Vegas later in April, and I joined him for a few romantic, fun-filled days. We even went to see a show - Jay Leno:

3. In May, Annika played 2 songs in a piano recital:

4. We also got our wonderful hot tub set up in May!:

5. Julia graduated in June, both from high school and with her Associate's Degree!

Rob and Derek and the kids even decorated Julia's car for her...

Meagan and Annika - cute cousins having lunch:

Julia with her Hamilton grandparents:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Annika sat on Santa's lap to get the candy

Annika insisted that she didn't want to sit on Santa's lap - until Santa arrived at the ward party and she found out that he was handing out candy...

Annika's baptism day

Annika was thrilled to be baptized on December 5, 2009, along with 2 of her friends!

Family pictures, Oct 2009

Here are a few of our family pictures - I have the full rights to the files, so send me an email if you want the original files for family history or whatever!

Julia's Senior pix

I have full rights to the files for all of Julia's Senior pictures, and to our family pictures (I'll add them to the next post), so let me know if you want a copy of any of the files.

Here are my favorite 3 1/2 of Julia's Senior pictures, taken at Esther Short Park here in Vancouver!:

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Annika's 8th birthday

Annika's 8th birthday party started out at our house, opening presents and eating cake.

Then, Annika and her friends played games and made bears at at Build-a-Bear Workshop!

Annika's Primary Program

Here are a couple of pictures from the day of Annika's Primary Program. She sang a song with a few friends, and did a great job on her speaking part. Annika loves to sing, and the congregation always enjoys her enthusiasm!


Annika dressed up for Halloween as Alex from Wizards of Waverly Place. She got more candy than she knew what to do with (but she figured it out!)